Daróczi Csaba

A zátony

A zátony

Made by: Daróczi Csaba


Awards: 1. place, Magical Hungary from Compact View, 2022, October

Location: Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park

Keywords: homok,víz,balaton

Competition: Magical Hungary from Compact View


Balatonfenyvesen kialakult homokpad.

Exif data

Camera: Apple iPhone 12 Pro

Blende: f/2.4

Shutter speed: 1/160

ISO: 25

Blende: 13mm

Evaluation of the image 60/43 points

Potyó Imre

10/8 Scores

Keleti Éva

10/8 Scores

Máté Bence

10/6 Scores

Szilágyi Attila

10/6 Scores

Suhayda László

10/9 Scores

ifj. Vitray Tamás

10/6 Scores

Audience score

7 vote

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