Vida István Tamás



Made by: Vida István Tamás


Awards: 28. place, Other animals of Magical Hungary, 2023, December

Location: Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park

Species: szitakötő

Keywords: szitakötő,nád

Competition: Other animals of Magical Hungary


Szitakötő a nádasban a Vekeri tónál.

Exif data

Camera: Canon Canon EOS R7

Blende: f/10.0

Shutter speed: 1/500

ISO: 800

Blende: 560/1mm

Evaluation of the image 60/34 points

Potyó Imre

10/6 Scores

Szilágyi Attila

10/5 Scores

Máté Bence

10/5 Scores

Britta Jaschinski

10/6 Scores

Suhayda László

10/7 Scores

ifj. Vitray Tamás

10/5 Scores

Audience score

0 vote

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