Our Wetlands 2024. May 01.

  • What images can i apply?
  • Contest call
  • Awards
  • Entry fee
  • Jury and scoring
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Our Wetlands
Our Wetlands
Our Wetlands
Our Wetlands
Our Wetlands

Our Wetlands


The purpose of this periodic category, organized by Magical Hungary and the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of CEWE, is to show through the incoming images as widely as possible why our wetlands are so important. These habitats are among the most threatened habitats due to human activity and the dangers of modern times. Destruction of wetlands negatively affects water supplies, related food production, their impact on local climate and weather extremes, as well as biodiversity. The competition category offers photographers the opportunity to show the wetlands of our country in a variety of ways with their pictures.


The photographers who receive the most points for the photos uploaded to the contest will win the podium places, and special prizes will also be awarded. From the award-winning pictures and the most beautiful photos, CEWE will create a photo exhibition on self-made canvases, which will be available for viewing at several locations throughout the year.


For the competition, we are specifically looking for pictures that show the habitats, not one by one animal or plant species, but showing them in their natural environment.


What topics are we looking forward to?
·         wetlands: lakes, swamps, brackish lakes, bogs, backwaters, river sections, wet meadows, as well as man-made fish ponds, water reservoirs
·         the wildlife of wetlands
·         wetlands are in danger
·         wetlands are the sources of our life



1. The appliation lasts from May 1, 2024 (0:01) to July 31, 2024 (23:59).
2. The application is subject to registration. Registration at www.varazslatosmagyarorszag.hu.
3. A maximum of 10 images per applicant can be uploaded to the application category during the application period.
4. One image can be uploaded free of charge, the entry fee for additional uploaded images is HUF 1,000 per image, which can be arranged by the applicant on the site through the SimplePay system, the images can only be uploaded after that.
5. Until the application is closed, the applicant can review and modify the images on the user page.
6. The maximum number of points per image for the nature photos named in the categories: 60 points.
7. The periodic contest category is independent of the nature photography contests of Magical Hungary, so the scores of the pictures uploaded to the category are not included in the annual ranking list, nor in the competition for The Grand Prix of Hungarian Nature Photo, but they can be included in the photo album and exhibition related to the contest.
8. The following jury members will evaluate the images in the application category:


Britta Jaschinski, wildlife photographer, photojournalist

Máté Bence, wildlife photographer

Tamás Vitray Jr., editor-in-chief of National Geographic Hungary Magazine

Tibor Litauszki, nature photographer

Attila Szilágyi, nature photographer, guard district leader (HNPI)

László Suhayda, nature photographer




1. The photos uploaded to the application can be a minimum of 6 Megapixels and a maximum of 10 Megabytes in size.

2. The resolution of the applied photos is the same as the resolution of the original file (RAW image), its size may be reduced by the size of the cut, i.e. the images must be submitted to the application without resizing.

3. The degree of cropping cannot exceed 60% of the image area, i.e. the size of the uploaded image reaches 40% of the pixels of the original recording (raw or original jpg image). If it does not meet this condition, the picture will be permanently excluded from the application by the applicant!

4. In all photographer categories (A., B., C., D.) of the Magical Hungary competition, the applicant must upload the original RAW file of the image in addition to the submitted image (DNG file is only accepted if if the extension of the camera's original raw file is .DNG), except in the category Magical Hungary from Compact View (A.4.), where it is sufficient to upload the uninterpolated, unmodified, original JPEG file of the image.

5. The application JPEG file must be uploaded in maximum quality (at least image quality equivalent to Adobe Photoshop jpeg 10), preferably in the sRGB color profile.

6. During the processing of the applied images, the following digital modifications can be applied: levels, gradation curves, white and color balance, hue/saturation, brightness/contrast , sharpness and shadows/highlights, noise reduction, black and white conversion.

7. Removing or adding image elements is not allowed, but it is possible to remove technical errors (scratches, chemical stains, dust stuck to the light sensor) that occurred during the creation of the original image. The Magical Hungary photo contest supports and highly values ​​the creative approach. Accordingly: Images taken using the multiple exposure (multi-exposure) technique are accepted, but these images can only be taken within the camera, only with Additive (ADD) or Averaging (AVG) settings. For these images, it is a requirement that the individual shots that make up the multi-exposure image must be taken at the same location and at approximately the same time. With multi-exposure images, it is expected that the viewer is not misled by the image created by combining several shots. For pictures taken with the multi-exposure technique, the relevant check box must be checked when uploading them to the application page. We also accept HDR and panoramic images made from image sequences with image editing software, as well as images made with focus stacking techniques. For these types of images, all RAW images must be uploaded as .zip compressed files. We accept series of images combined with image editing software, as long as the individual shots were taken at approximately the same time without moving the camera (e.g. constellation astroscapes, firefly drawing). For these types of images, all RAW images must be uploaded as .zip compressed files. Black and white conversion of the entire image is allowed. Post-coloring of black-and-white images (e.g. sepia) is not permitted, either for the entire image or for parts of it.

8. Digital manipulation of applied images is not permitted in any category. The original content of the images cannot be changed; shapes, animal behavior, natural phenomena and colors (except for black and white images) must appear authentic and realistic. Images manipulated afterwards with image editing software will be excluded during the technical inspection.

9. Images with any aspect ratio can be uploaded, but the applicant should strive to adhere to the standard page sizes (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, 16:9).

10. In all photographer categories (A., B., C., D.,) of the Magical Hungary competition, EXIF ​​data is mandatory for all files (contest JPEG and RAW images).

11. In the Magical Hungary competition, only one photo from a series of photos can be nominated, regardless of the year of the competition. Images with the same subject, the composition and the elements of the image show minimal differences are considered to be sequential shots. When evaluating serial shots, the applicant can classify a picture as a serial shot, regardless of the time when the pictures in question were taken. These images may be excluded immediately or even after the end of the judging by the contest's organizer. In case of doubt, the applicant may contact the applicant at his discretion.

12. The application photos - regardless of the application year - can only be submitted once. In the case of repeated uploads, the last uploaded image will be excluded. It is an exception if the applicant of the contest makes a different provision for periodic contests.

13. Only pictures taken within the administrative borders of Hungary can be entered into the contests, with the exception of the Pictures from the World (D.) category. If the organizer of the competition is convinced that a picture taken outside of Hungary has been entered, the picture will be excluded.

14. The image file must not contain any reference to the identity of the author of the image, otherwise the image is not eligible to participate in the competition and will be disqualified.

15. The applicant has the opportunity to delete or modify the images uploaded to the application until the end of the current application at the latest.

16. If the organizer of the photo contest is convinced that a picture has been entered that does not comply with any of the above rules, after considering the error, he may exclude the affected picture from the contest. Credit paid for excluded images will not be returned to the applicant. The organizer of the photo contest also reserves the right that if, after the closing of the monthly contest, at any time during the year, he becomes aware of a violation of the above rules in the case of an image, he may subsequently delete the image and revoke any award.

17. The applicant of the contest can delete an image that does not conform to the spirit, values ​​and standards of Magical Hungary.

18. The pictures will be presented to the jury after the entry fee has been paid.

19. The application is open to all registered users, regardless of professionalism, age, gender or nationality.

20. The images must not be objectionable from an ethical point of view. Only pictures that were taken without causing damage to the wildlife or disturbing the wildlife can be nominated. The images may not be created with manipulation that falsifies reality, may not violate public morals, and may not violate rights related to human dignity. All submitted photos must be taken in a natural environment, depicting natural and real habitats, events and behaviours, with special attention to pictures of animals, plants and fungi.

21. The applicant acknowledges that all responsibility for possible personal and copyright violations caused by the preparation of the submitted images or their public presentation (exhibition) rests with the applicant, including the financial responsibility resulting from the violation.

22. By uploading the application photos, the participant automatically accepts the application conditions, and at the same time consents to the application of the application's photos freely, with the name of the applicant, without time and space restrictions, in accordance with Article LXXVI of 1999 on copyright according to the methods of use permitted by law, he can use it in full, free of charge, on the web and social pages of Magical Hungary, as well as in its printed publications (magazines, books, publications, advertising materials, etc.), in its audiovisual content (short films, VM songs, etc.), and in publications and albums related to the contest, as well as in exhibitions and other electronic/printed publications promoting them. The applicant of the contest undertakes to return the amount received from the income of commercial publications and objects exclusively to his own nature photography and nature conservation activities.

23.The participant may subsequently request the deletion or suspension of their public profile, however, their photos uploaded to the photo contest will remain public in the photo gallery together with the creator's name, the applicant will not delete these photos from the system and the photo gallery. All points of the General Entry Conditions remain valid for the uploaded application photos, even after the participant's public profile has been deleted.

24. The applicant of the contest may hand over the images of the photo contest and the exhibition (electronic files/exhibition enlargements) to the exhibiting institutions and their nature conservation partners, and they may use the images for the purposes of promoting environmental and nature conservation. In addition, the submitted images may appear, also free of charge, in the publications, online interfaces and other materials of the Hungarian national park directorates and their state maintainer, the Ministry of Agriculture. When using the photos, the partners of the contest announcer agree to include the name of the photographer and Magical Hungary.

25. In the case of using the images for commercial products, the applicant will contact the applicant and discuss the conditions with him.


Based on the scores of the professional jury, the creators of the first three nature photos with the highest scores will win the joint prize of Magical Hungary - Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO - CEWE, which includes material gifts and high-value shopping vouchers from the three organizations. The organizations will also award additional special prizes to the creators of the most beautiful photos. From the award-winning pictures and the most beautiful photos, CEWE will create a photo exhibition on self-made canvases, which will be available for viewing at several locations throughout the year.



In category F. maximum of 10 pictures can be uploaded.


The entry fee for each category is HUF 1000 gross per image and per video. A total of 1 image per month for all application categories or per application call for category E, i.e. 1 video can be uploaded free of charge every three months.


In 2024, the jury will consist of six permanent jury members, who will evaluate the images submitted for applications based on their individual, professional criteria. Website visitors can also vote within the framework of public voting. During the judging and public voting, the author of the photos is not visible.


Members of the jury


In photo competition category F.: 

Britta Jaschinski, wildlife photographer, photojournalist

Máté Bence, wildlife photographer

Tamás Vitray Jr., editor-in-chief of National Geographic Hungary Magazine

Tibor Litauszki, nature photographer

Attila Szilágyi, nature photographer, guard district leader (HNPI)

László Suhayda, nature photographer

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